Happy 8/8 listeners! August is a time of extremes. You may be feeling flirty and soaking up the sun with a delicious beverage or feeling hugely overwhelmed by ego and expectations. Probably even both/and! Whichever end of the spectrum you fall on, this episode is for you. Listen in for magical advice on how to heal your spirit and find the middle ground. Resourcing the Creative Self: https://mailchi.mp/bdf6e186114b/resourcingthecreativeselfonlinecourse-aug22 Energetic Tune-Up and Uplevel: https://bit.ly/3vj8KH3 Order the 2022 Many Moons Planner here: https://bit.ly/3DVMSmY Sign up for our newsletter: https://bit.ly/2Z8AcKb Support our Patreon here: https://bit.ly/3B054d2 Follow Sarah on Instagram: https://bit.ly/3aX7KxQ Buy The Moon Book: https://bit.ly/37nT7p8 Visit our shop: https://bit.ly/3DY4oXB
Happy 8/8 listeners! August is a time of extremes. You may be feeling flirty and soaking up the sun with a delicious beverage or feeling hugely overwhelmed by ego and expectations. Probably even both/and! Whichever end of the spectrum you fall on, this episode is for you. Listen in for magical advice on how to heal your spirit and find the middle ground.
Energetic Tune-Up and Uplevel.